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How to use select to properly detect whether I am building C++ code in Windows or Linux?

I am writing a sample C++ project that uses Bazel to serve as an example idiom for other collaborators to follow.

Here is the repository:

I am interested to know if I am doing it 'right', more specifically about this file: when regarding to pick particular implementations.

    name = "demo",
    srcs = ["demo.cpp"],
    deps = [

    name = "main_win",
    deps = [

    name = "main_linux",
    deps = [

Is this following a correct/expected idiom for Bazel projects? I am doing this way already for other projects, by concentrating all the platform-specific dependencies in separate targets and then the binaries just depend on them.

Someone in bazel-discuss list told me to use select, instead, but my attempts failed to 'detect' the operating system. I'm sure I did something wrong, but the lack of info and examples don't tell me much how to use it properly.


  • @bazel_tools contains predefined platform conditions:

    $ bazel query @bazel_tools//src/conditions:all

    You can use them directly in the BUILD file:

      name = "impl",
      srcs = ["Implementation.cpp"] + select({
        "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": ["ImplementationWin.cpp"],
        "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:darwin": ["ImplementationMacOS.cpp"],
         "//conditions:default": ["ImplementationLinux.cpp"],
      # .. same for hdrs and data
      name = "demo",
      deps = [":impl"],

    See the documentation for select for details on the syntax.