I downloaded the example from https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/tutorials/mixing-openacc-with-gpu-libraries/ The codes are given in the above mwntioned links
1) using pgcc
pgc++ -c cuFFT.cu
pgcc -acc -Mcudalib=cufft fft.c cufft.o
works perfectly fine
2) using pgc++
pgc++ -c cuFFT.cu
pgc++ -acc -Mcudalib=cufft fft.cpp (or .c samefiles) cufft.o
I get the following error
undefined reference to launchCUFFT(float*, int, void*)
pgacclnk: child process exit status 1: /usr/bin/ld
You're running into a C/C++ linking mismatch.
To get this to work in PGI 17.9 tools I had to:
edit the malloc line in fft.c from:
float *data = malloc(2*n*sizeof(float));
float *data = (float *)malloc(2*n*sizeof(float));
modify the declaration in fft.c from:
extern void launchCUFFT(float *d_data, int n, void *stream);
extern "C" void launchCUFFT(float *d_data, int n, void *stream);
Issue the following compile commands:
$ pgc++ -c cuFFT.cpp
$ pgc++ -acc -Mcudalib=cufft fft.c cuFFT.o