I have the in memory thing working as follows:
public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
.authorizedGrantTypes("password", "refresh_token")
.scopes("read", "write")
I would like to use the JDBC implementation. For this, I have created the following tables (using MySQL):
-- Tables for OAuth token store
CREATE TABLE oauth_client_details (
client_id VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY,
resource_ids VARCHAR(255),
client_secret VARCHAR(255),
scope VARCHAR(255),
authorized_grant_types VARCHAR(255),
web_server_redirect_uri VARCHAR(255),
authorities VARCHAR(255),
access_token_validity INTEGER,
refresh_token_validity INTEGER,
additional_information VARCHAR(4096),
autoapprove TINYINT
CREATE TABLE oauth_client_token (
token_id VARCHAR(255),
token BLOB,
authentication_id VARCHAR(255),
user_name VARCHAR(255),
client_id VARCHAR(255)
CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token (
token_id VARCHAR(255),
token BLOB,
authentication_id VARCHAR(255),
user_name VARCHAR(255),
client_id VARCHAR(255),
authentication BLOB,
refresh_token VARCHAR(255)
CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token (
token_id VARCHAR(255),
token BLOB,
authentication BLOB
CREATE TABLE oauth_code (
code VARCHAR(255),
authentication BLOB
Do I need to manually add a client in the MySQL tables?
I tried this:
.authorizedGrantTypes("password", "refresh_token")
.scopes("read", "write")
Hoping that Spring would insert the correct things in the good tables, but it does not seem to do that. Why is it that you can further chain after jdbc()
This question is fairly old but none of the replies gave an answer to the questioner's original problem. I've stumbled over the same issue while getting myself familar with spring's oauth2 implementation and wondered why the ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer
is not persisting the clients that were programmatically added via the JdbcClientDetailsServiceBuilder
(which is instantiated by calling the jdbc(datasource)
method on the configurer), despite that all tutorials on the net showed a similar example such as that posted by Wim. After digging deeper into the code i've noticed the reason. Well, it's simply because the code to update the oauth_clients_details
table is never called. What's missing is the following call after configuring all clients: .and().build()
. So, Wim's code must actually look as follows:
.authorizedGrantTypes("password", "refresh_token")
.scopes("read", "write")
Et voila, the client clientapp
is now persisted into the database.