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SQL - How to query multiple tables via a link ./ associative table

I have a problem with querying multiple SQL tables and getting the results joined correctly. I have 3 tables 1) a main table with articles, 2) a table with a list of subject tags, and 3) an associative table that links tags to articles.
I tried to construct the following query: - Query a main table - For each result get the associated tags in a 3rd table (linked by an associative table) - Where there are no tags associated still include the results from the main table ( I tried various joins)

I have spend a couple of days trying and probably read over 30 posts on stackexchange but still have the problem that I can't both return all results and get the tags correctly associated with the records in the main table. I have tried left / outer / inner joints but they will all return all tags for all records, not associate them correctly.

Here is the first example where the results are correct but all available tags are added to each record. [Results correct but tags wrong 1

Here is the second example where tags are correctly associated with results but results with no tags are not returned [Tags correct but results with no tags not included 2

Here is one SQL code (corresponding to the second screen shot).

    Ar.Analysis_CategoryLevelOne_Name AS MainCategory, 
    Ar.Analysis_CategoryLevelTwo_Name AS SubCategory, 
    null AS GenericName, 
    Ar.Author AS Source,
    'Article' AS ContentType, 
    MATCH (Ar.Title, Summary, Content)
    AGAINST ('a*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Relevance,
    GROUP_CONCAT(Su.Name) AS Tags
    FROM `conArticles` AS Ar,
    `refSubjectTags` AS Su,
    `linkArticlesToSubjectTags` AS Link
    WHERE MATCH (Title, Summary, Content)
    AGAINST ('a*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND CurrentOrBackup = 'Current'
    AND Ar.Articles_id = Link.linkArticlesToSubjectTags_Articles_Id
    AND Link.linkArticlesToSubjectTags_SubjectTags_Id = Su.SubjectTags_Id
    GROUP BY Ar.Articles_Id
    ORDER BY 'Relevance' 'DESC';

I would greatly appreciate help with how to both get all results and the tags correctly associated with the records in the main table.

UPDATE: After suggestions to try two left joins, I have below revised query. Whilst I now get all the correct results from the main table, all the tags are associated with each result, which is not what I want (the output is shown in the first image attached). Regarding the table structure, it corresponds to the one Nosyara posed i.e. I have an intermediate/associative table which only contains id pairs between the main and the tags table ( Articles_Id <=> SubjectTags_Id ). I have added a screen shot of the associative table [Associative table 3

    Ar.Analysis_CategoryLevelOne_Name AS MainCategory, 
    Ar.Analysis_CategoryLevelTwo_Name AS SubCategory, 
    null AS GenericName, 
    Ar.Author AS Source,
    'Article' AS ContentType, 
    MATCH (Ar.Title, Summary, Content)
    AGAINST ('a*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Relevance,    
    GROUP_CONCAT(Su.Name) AS Tags
    FROM    `refSubjectTags` AS Su,
    `conArticles` AS Ar
    LEFT JOIN linkArticlesToSubjectTags Link
    ON Ar.Articles_id = Link.linkArticlesToSubjectTags_Articles_Id
    LEFT JOIN refSubjectTags Su2
    ON Link.linkArticlesToSubjectTags_SubjectTags_Id = Su2.SubjectTags_Id
    WHERE MATCH (Title, Summary, Content)
    GROUP BY Ar.Articles_Id
    ORDER BY 'Relevance' 'DESC';

NOTE: This has been solved. See correct code further down under Answers.


  • You need 2 left joins.

    Here I created simplified schema

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `main` ( `title` varchar(200));
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tags` ( id int(10), `Name` varchar(200));
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `links` ( `title` varchar(200),  `tag` int(10));
    INSERT INTO main VALUES ('Foo'),  ('Bar'),  ('Baz');
    INSERT INTO tags VALUES (1, 'tag1'), (2, 'tag2'), (3, 'tag3'), (4, 'tag4');
    INSERT INTO links VALUES ('Foo', 1), ('Foo', 2), ('Bar', 3),  ('Bar', 4),  ('Hello', 5), ('Foo', 6);

    And this is SQL:

    select ar.title, group_concat( as tags 
    from main ar 
    left join links lnk on ar.title=lnk.title 
    left join tags t on lnk.tag =
    group by title


    title    tags
    -----    -----
    Bar      tag3,tag4
    Baz      (null)
    Foo      tag1,tag2