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threading tests via test_workers with Nightwatch and Browserstack

Is it possible to run nightwatch test suites in parallel when running on Browserstack? I noticed this section of the Nightwatch + Browserstack docs stating that you should set it to false. By this, are they basically saying it's not possible?

Looking to add this to my Nightwatch config (which works fine locally - without Browserstack)

test_workers: {
  enabled: true,
  workers: 'auto',


  • Yes, you can certainly run parallel tests on BrowserStack. Here is a working configuration file I have been using to test in parallel on BrowserStack using Nightwatch

    nightwatch_config = {
      src_folders : [ "tests/suite" ],
      selenium : {
        "start_process" : false,
        "host" : "",
        "port" : 80
      test_settings: {
        default: {
          desiredCapabilities: {
            'build': 'nightwatch-browserstack',
            'browserstack.user': process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME || 'BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME',
            'browserstack.key': process.env.BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY || 'BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY',
            'browserstack.debug': true,
            'browser': 'chrome'
      "test_workers": {
        "enabled": true,
        "workers": 10
    // Code to copy seleniumhost/port into test settings
    for(var i in nightwatch_config.test_settings){
      var config = nightwatch_config.test_settings[i];
      config['selenium_host'] =;
      config['selenium_port'] = nightwatch_config.selenium.port;
    module.exports = nightwatch_config;