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Rescaling and downcasting a float safely in C++

I am trying to bin a float number R and I want to obtain its weight wt in an unsigned 8 bit integer format:

float R;
float edgeVal = rintf(R); // round to the nearest edge
float dR = R - edgeVal + 0.5f; // distance to the edge with a half-pixel offset
unsigned char wt = static_cast<unsigned char>( dR*256.f )); // allowed range [0; 255]

At the edge of the interval where dR == 0.f, we will get wt=0, but at the other edge where dR == 1.f, we will get wt = 256 which will wrap around to 0, while we really want to get wt = 255 in this case. What would be the proper code to achieve it?

Here is a 2-bit example for the range of variables:

wt = |0|1|2|3|
     ^       ^
     |       |
dR = 0       1


  • If only the exact value of 1.0f is the issue, you might want to avoid getting this value for dR in the first place. I would suggest a tiny change to your logic, replacing rintf by floor whose behaviour is easily predictable in all cases independently of any external factors:

    float Radj = R + 0.5f;
    float edgeVal = floor(R); // now Radj - 1 < edgeVal <= Radj
    float dR = Radj - edgeVal; // 0 <= dR < 1

    Now the original

    static_cast<unsigned char>( dR*256.f ));

    never overflows to 0.

    For a few test values, the original code gives

    R       edgeVal dR  wt
    0       0       0.5     128
    0.25    0       0.75    192
    0.5     0       1       0
    0.75    1       0.25    64
    1       1       0.5     128
    1.25    1       0.75    192
    1.5     2       0       0
    1.75    2       0.25    64
    2       2       0.5     128

    while with floor the values of edgeVal and wt are consistent (at the cost of adjusting the former):

    R       edgeVal dR  wt
    0       0       0.5     128
    0.25    0       0.75    192
    0.5     1       0       0       // note the change here
    0.75    1       0.25    64
    1       1       0.5     128
    1.25    1       0.75    192
    1.5     2       0       0
    1.75    2       0.25    64
    2       2       0.5     128