I'm trying to install
to match the server's version.
PyPi has a limited set listed at:
The documentation only offers a (current?) install command using a wheel
pip install http://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-wolpert/1/Python/h2o-
but there doesn't seem to be a list of previous versions ...
For reference, I found Anaconda packages listed at (but doesn't have version I was looking for):
and Github project doesn't publish wheels directly:
The easiest way to find the download artifacts for a specific H2O version x.y.z.w is to just do a google search of "h2o x.y.z.w".
Another trick is, if you have that version already running, you can go to the H2O Flow Web UI and find the documentation button. Clicking that will take you to the online docs for that specific release. You can tweak that URL so that it matches the form below: