I have an XML file (like the following)
<filename>armas (1)</filename>
<path>C:\Users\Rob\Desktop\Definitiva\armas (1).jpg</path>
and I want to make the bounding box coordinates from relative to absolute. In other words, I need to update the xmin value by diving its current value (=3) with the image's width (=240). I am using xmlstarlet and bash (I have done other, easier, modifications and worked well) but the script I have written produces an error (actually, it totally deletes the xmin attribute). Do you have any idea what's going wrong?
for name in *.xml; do X='/annotation/object/bndbox/xmin'
Y='/annotation/size/width' Z=$X/$Y xmlstarlet ed --inplace -u
'/annotation/object/bndbox/xmin' -v "$Z" "$name"; done
Thank you.
xmlstarlet ed -u '/annotation/object/bndbox/xmin' -x '. div /annotation/size/width' input.xml
The output (for demonstration purpose):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<filename>armas (1)</filename>
<path>C:\Users\Rob\Desktop\Definitiva\armas (1).jpg</path>
- Xpath arithmetic division operator (<operand_1> div <operand_2>