I'm using Quamotion and Pester to test my mobile app.
Right now, I find myself having to repeat a lot of parameters (such as usernames and passwords) which I use in my tests.
Is there any way to use global variables in Quamotion/Pester tests?
You define global variables in Pester by prefixing them with $script:
. Global variables are normally defined at the top of your script.
For example, here's a test which logs in to your app and stores the username as a variable:
$script:username = "myuser"
Describe "My App" {
it "Login" {
$usernameTextField = Find-Element -xpath "//XCUIElementTypeTextField[@name='username']"
Set-Value -elementId $usernameTextField -value $script:username
$loginButton = Find-Element -xpath "//XCUIElementTypeButton[@name='Login']"
Click-Element -elementId $loginButton
Hope it helps!