I have 9 blocks, and I want sort it by last news added. I have code:
$projects = Projects::find(['conditions' => 'active = 1', 'order' => 'id DESC']);
$itemsps = [];
foreach($projects as $project) {
if(!$project->{'link_' . $lang. ''}) continue;
$itemsp['title_md'] = $project->title_md;
$itemsp['title_ru'] = $project->title_ru;
$itemsp['link'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. '/' . $lang . '/' . $project->{'link_' . $lang. ''};
$category = Categories::findFirst('alias = ' . "'$project->link_md'" . ' OR alias_ru = ' . "'$project->link_ru'");
$lastCat = NewsCategories::find('categories_id = ' . $category->id)->getLast();
if($lastCat === false) continue;
$lastImage = 'uploads/' . $lastCat['news_id'] . '.jpg';
$itemsp['image'] = $lastImage;
$itemsps[] = $itemsp;
How I can order by last records of:
$lastCat = NewsCategories::find('categories_id = ' . $category->id)->getLast();
Results in my array:
I dont know your DB but i bet you can achive your goal with just one query and some tables joins. Please take some time to understand phalcon models
If you still want to use that format you could use array_multisort()
to sort the array:
$projects = Projects::find(['conditions' => 'active = 1', 'order' => 'id DESC']);
$itemsps = [];
foreach($projects as $project) {
if(!$project->{'link_' . $lang. ''}) continue;
$itemsp['title_md'] = $project->title_md;
$itemsp['title_ru'] = $project->title_ru;
$itemsp['link'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. '/' . $lang . '/' . $project->{'link_' . $lang. ''};
$category = Categories::findFirst('alias = ' . "'$project->link_md'" . ' OR alias_ru = ' . "'$project->link_ru'");
$lastCat = NewsCategories::find('categories_id = ' . $category->id)->getLast();
$itemsp['lastCat'] = $lastCat; //ADD THIS
if($lastCat === false) continue;
$lastImage = 'uploads/' . $lastCat['news_id'] . '.jpg';
$itemsp['image'] = $lastImage;
$itemsps[] = $itemsp;
$lastCat_array = array();
foreach ($itemsps as $key => $row)
$lastCat_array[$key] = $row['lastCat'];
array_multisort($lastCat_array, SORT_DESC, $itemsps);