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Any tutorial/ good documentation on how to use the Mixture of Gaussians opencv implementation?

I have found OpenCV code that uses CvGaussBGStatModelParams structure, cvCreateGaussianBGModel, and other related functions. However, I haven't been able to find any explanations for how they work and how they are to be used and what they mean.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • These functions are undocumented (at least as far as the manual goes). However, if you look around in the source, you will find them in src/cvaux/cvbgfg_gaussmix.cpp. In there:

    This is based on the "An Improved Adaptive Background Mixture Model for Real-time Tracking with Shadow Detection" by P. KaewTraKulPong and R. Bowden The windowing method is used, but not the shadow detection. I make some of my own modifications which make more sense. There are some errors in some of their equations.

    That link is probably a good start for you.