I am following the tutorial. I need to keep The nav bar fixed and neviagte like this example.
I have only two links. This is inside of one page.
Here what I have tried.
<a routerLink="/title" routerLinkActive="active">Titler</a>
<a routerLink="/dist" routerLinkActive="active">Dist</a>
RouterModule.forRoot(Inner, {
enableTracing: true
RouterModule.forChild([ HOME_ROUTE ]),
and the Route.ts is
import { Route, Routes } from '@angular/router';
export const HOME_ROUTE: Route = {
path: '',
component: HomeComponent,
data: {
authorities: [],
pageTitle: 'home.title'
export const Inner: Routes = [
{path: 'title', component: TComponent},
{path: 'dist', component: DComponent}
If I click to the Like it Redirect to new page . But like that Example I want to keep the nav in everypage and show the Content. What I am doing wrong ?
Your question is not clear enough, here is a stackblitz of the simplest routing example I can imagine. If the example doesn't answer your question, feel free to update it and use it in your question. (don't be scared of stackblitz, it's just an online IDE ^_^))