Search code examples

"No item selector views found" for JournalItemSelectorCriterion

It was supposed to be a simple task, following the dev tutorial to create a selection pop-up:

I followed this text, replacing the criterion by a JournalItemSelectorCriterion.

RequestBackedPortletURLFactory requestBackedPortletURLFactory = RequestBackedPortletURLFactoryUtil.create( request );

List< ItemSelectorReturnType > itemSelectorReturnTypes = new ArrayList<>( );
itemSelectorReturnTypes.add( new UUIDItemSelectorReturnType( ) );

JournalItemSelectorCriterion itemSelectorCriterion = new JournalItemSelectorCriterion( );

itemSelectorCriterion.setDesiredItemSelectorReturnTypes( itemSelectorReturnTypes );

return itemSelector.getItemSelectorURL( requestBackedPortletURLFactory, selectedEventName, itemSelectorCriterion );

The OSGi components are in order, otherwise I would get a null pointer exception.

When clicked, the button does open the dialog as expected, but without any entry, just a big:

Selection is not available.

There is only one message in the logs:

No item selector views found for com.liferay.journal.item.selector.criterion.JournalItemSelectorCriterion

$('#<portlet:namespace />selectJournal').on(
    function(event) {
        var itemSelectorDialog = new A.LiferayItemSelectorDialog(
                eventName: 'selectWcToSend',
                on: {
                    selectedItemChange: function(event) {
                        var selectedItem = event.newVal;

                        if (selectedItem) {
                            var itemValue = JSON.parse(
                        var wcUuid = itemValue.uuid;

                        $('#<portlet:namespace />uuid').val(wcUuid);
                title: '<liferay-ui:message key="select-web-content" />',
                url: "${journalSelectorUrl}"

Any thoughts?

ps: using Liferay 7 GA5

ps2: same issue here:

A bit odd: the code works when I change itemSelectorReturnTypes.add( new UUIDItemSelectorReturnType() ); to itemSelectorReturnTypes.add( new URLItemSelectorReturnType() );


  • Not much information out there about this, so I will leave here what I found: this specific criterion does not support UUID as the return type.

    _supportedItemSelectorReturnTypes = Collections.unmodifiableList(
            new ItemSelectorReturnType[] {
                new FileEntryItemSelectorReturnType(),
                new URLItemSelectorReturnType()