I am trying to figure out how to write a program that performs computations in parallel such that the result of each computation can be written to a file in a specific order. My problem is size; I would like to do what I've outlined in the sample program below - save the large output as the value of a dictionary which stores the ordering system in its keys. But my program keeps breaking because it can't store/pass around so many bytes.
Is there a set way to approach such problems? I'm new to dealing with both multiprocessing and large data.
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
def eachProcess(i, d):
LARGE_BINARY_OBJECT = #perform some computation resulting in millions of bytes
def main():
manager = Manager()
d = manager.dict()
maxProcesses = 10
for i in range(maxProcesses):
process = Process(target=eachProcess, args=(i,d))
counter = 0
while counter < maxProcesses:
file1 = open("test.txt", "wb")
if counter in d:
counter += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
Thank you.
When dealing with large data usually the approaches are two:
As your problem seems pretty simple, I'd suggest the following solution. Each process writes its partial solution to a local file. Once all processing is done, the main process combines all result files together.
from multiprocessing import Pool
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
def worker_function(partial_result_path):
data = produce_large_binary()
with open(partial_result_path, 'wb') as partial_result_file:
# storing partial results in temporary files
partial_result_paths = [NamedTemporaryFile() for i in range(max_processes)]
pool = Pool(max_processes)
pool.map(worker_function, partial_result_paths)
with open('test.txt', 'wb') as result_file:
for partial_result_path in partial_result_paths:
with open(partial_result_path) as partial_result_file: