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Modifying behavior of yAxys component with media queries

I am creating a responsive chart with ECharts, and as a way to improve the user's visual experience I need to remove the intermediate values ​​between the 0 (min value) and 1 (max value) displayed on the yAxis:

enter image description here

This is my code:

media: [{
    query: {
      maxWidth: 500
    option: {
      title: {
        textStyle: {
          fontSize: 10
      yAxis: {
        nameGap: 25,
      xAxis: {
        nameGap: 19
      legend: {
        right: 0,
        top: '15%',
        orient: 'vertical'


  • Try playing around with the yAxis.interval option.

    Clean solution

    option: {
        yAxis: {
            interval: 1

    or use a function (closure):

    option: {
        yAxis: {
            interval: (() => {
                return 1;

    It accepts both a number and a function, so you can achieve what you want, even with variable datasets.

    Dirty solution

    option: {
        yAxis: {
            interval: 9999999999

    Since eCharts always shows the min and max value on the yAxis, setting the interval very high removes all the numbers in between.