The code is:
import numpy as np
def Mahalanobis(x, covariance_matrix, mean):
x = np.array(x)
mean = np.array(mean)
covariance_matrix = np.array(covariance_matrix)
return (x-mean)*np.linalg.inv(covariance_matrix)*(x.transpose()-mean.transpose())
#variables x and mean are 1xd arrays; covariance_matrix is a dxd matrix
#the 1xd array passed to x should be multiplied by the (inverted) dxd array
#that was passed into the second argument
#the resulting 1xd matrix is to be multiplied by a dx1 matrix, the transpose of
#[x-mean], which should result in a 1x1 array (a number)
But for some reason I get a matrix for my output when I enter the parameters
Mahalanobis([2,5], [[.5,0],[0,2]], [3,6])
out[]: array([[ 2. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0.5]])
It seems my function is just giving me the inverse of the 2x2 matrix that I input in the 2nd argument.
You've made the classic mistake of assuming that the * operator is doing matrix multiplication. This is not true in Python/numpy (see and I broke it down into intermediate steps and used the dot function
import numpy as np
def Mahalanobis(x, covariance_matrix, mean):
x = np.array(x)
mean = np.array(mean)
covariance_matrix = np.array(covariance_matrix)
t1 = (x-mean)
print(f'Term 1 {t1}')
icov = np.linalg.inv(covariance_matrix)
print(f'Inverse covariance {icov}')
t2 = (x.transpose()-mean.transpose())
print(f'Term 2 {t2}')
mahal =
#return (x-mean)*np.linalg.inv(covariance_matrix).dot(x.transpose()-mean.transpose())
return mahal
#variables x and mean are 1xd arrays; covariance_matrix is a dxd matrix
#the 1xd array passed to x should be multiplied by the (inverted) dxd array
#that was passed into the second argument
#the resulting 1xd matrix is to be multiplied by a dx1 matrix, the transpose of
#[x-mean], which should result in a 1x1 array (a number)
Mahalanobis([2,5], [[.5,0],[0,2]], [3,6])
Term 1 [-1 -1]
Inverse covariance [[2. 0. ]
[0. 0.5]]
Term 2 [-1 -1]
Out[9]: 2.5