I've got a squared signal with a frequency f, and I'm interested in the time at which the square starts.
def time_builder(f, t0=0, tf=300):
Function building the time line in ms between t0 and tf with a frequency f.
f: Hz
t0 and tf: ms
time = [t0] # /!\ time in ms
i = 1
while time[len(time)-1] < tf:
if t0 + (i/f)*1000 < tf:
time.append(t0 + (i/f)*1000)
i += 1
return time
So this function loops between t0 and tf to create a list in which is the timing at which a square starts. I'm quite sure it's not the best way to do it, and I'd like to know how to improve it.
If I am interpreting this correct, you are looking for a list of the times of the waves, starting at t0 and ending at tf.
def time_builder(f, t0=0, tf=300):
Function building the time line in ms between t0 and tf with a frequency f.
f: Hz
t0 and tf: ms
T = 1000 / f # period [ms]
n = int( (tf - t0) / T + 0.5 ) # n integer number of wavefronts, +0.5 added for rounding consistency
return [t0 + i*T for i in range(n)]