I have an rotated textview and I want to drag and drop this view. The problem is that the drag shadow has no rotation.
I found a solution for android in java but this does not work for me. Maybe I translate the code wrong
How to drag a rotated DragShadow?
class CustomDragShdowBuilder : View.DragShadowBuilder
private View _view;
public CustomDragShdowBuilder(View view)
_view = view;
public override void OnDrawShadow(Canvas canvas)
double rotationRad = Math.ToRadians(_view.Rotation);
int w = (int)(_view.Width * _view.ScaleX);
int h = (int)(_view.Height * _view.ScaleY);
double s = Math.Abs(Math.Sin(rotationRad));
double c = Math.Abs(Math.Cos(rotationRad));
int width = (int)(w * c + h * s);
int height = (int)(w * s + h * c);
canvas.Scale(_view.ScaleX, _view.ScaleY, width / 2, height / 2);
canvas.Rotate(_view.Rotation, width / 2, height / 2);
canvas.Translate((width - _view.Width) / 2, (height - _view.Height) / 2);
public override void OnProvideShadowMetrics(Point shadowSize, Point shadowTouchPoint)
shadowTouchPoint.Set(shadowSize.X / 2, shadowSize.Y / 2);
base.OnProvideShadowMetrics(shadowSize, shadowTouchPoint);
I found a solution for android in java but this does not work for me. Maybe I translate the code wrong
Yes, you are translating it wrong, you did change the codes of OnDrawShadow
but you didn't pay attention to OnProvideShadowMetrics
, which aims at changing the size of the canvas drawing area, so you need to pass the same width and height that has been calculated by codes:
Here is the modified version of DragShdowBuilder
public class MyDragShadowBuilder : DragShadowBuilder
private int width, height;
// Defines the constructor for myDragShadowBuilder
public MyDragShadowBuilder(View v) : base(v)
// Defines a callback that sends the drag shadow dimensions and touch point back to the system.
public override void OnProvideShadowMetrics(Android.Graphics.Point outShadowSize, Android.Graphics.Point outShadowTouchPoint)
double rotationRad = Java.Lang.Math.ToRadians(View.Rotation);
int w = (int)(View.Width * View.ScaleX);
int h = (int)(View.Height * View.ScaleY);
double s = Java.Lang.Math.Abs(Java.Lang.Math.Sin(rotationRad));
double c = Java.Lang.Math.Abs(Java.Lang.Math.Cos(rotationRad));
//calculate the size of the canvas
//width = view's width*cos(rad)+height*sin(rad)
width = (int)(w * c + h * s);
//height = view's width*sin(rad)+height*cos(rad)
height = (int)(w * s + h * c);
outShadowSize.Set(width, height);
// Sets the touch point's position to be in the middle of the drag shadow
outShadowTouchPoint.Set(outShadowSize.X / 2, outShadowSize.Y / 2);
// Defines a callback that draws the drag shadow in a Canvas that the system constructs
// from the dimensions passed in onProvideShadowMetrics().
public override void OnDrawShadow(Canvas canvas)
canvas.Scale(View.ScaleX, View.ScaleY, width/2 , height/2);
canvas.Rotate(View.Rotation,width/2, height / 2);
canvas.Translate((width - View.Width)/2, (height - View.Height) / 2);
And here is the complete sample:RotatedTextViewSample