I have a ConnectionIO[Option[Int]]
and map over the Option
to produce a ConnectionIO[Option[String]]
with a query the Some[Int]
otherwise keep the Nones. I was able to do this with a
forcomprehension and a
def findWidgetByOwner(name: String): ConnectionIO[Option[String]] = for {
opt <- sql"SELECT owner_id FROM owners WHERE name = $name".query[Int].option
widget <- opt match {
case None => None.pure[ConnectionIO]
case Some(id) => sql"SELECT widget_name FROM widgets WHERE owner_id = $id".query[String].option
} yield widget
I know i'm getting tripped up by the ConnectionIO
container, but I can't find a cleaner mapping approach that to transform ConnectionIO[Option[Int]]
to ConnectionIO[Option[String]]
It would be cleaner to join using SQL instead of scala:
def findWidgetByOwner(name: String): ConnectionIO[Option[String]] =
SELECT widgets.widget_name FROM widgets WHERE owner_id = $id
INNER JOIN owners ON widgets.owner_id = owners.owner_id
WHERE owners.name = $name
But if you want to clean up the original, some incantation of sequence
would probably work (not tested):
import cats._, cats.data._, cats.implicits._
widget <- opt.map {id =>
sql"SELECT widget_name FROM widgets WHERE owner_id = $id".query[String].unique
Note: You have to change query[String].option
to .query[String].unique
otherwise widget
becomes an Option[Option[String]]
which if the widget query can be null, might be desirable, but requires a .flatten
at the end.