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how to unbind jstree select_node event

I have a jstree that I am using to manage a work breakdown structure. The desired functionality is that the user clicks on the node and an modal pops up with a form text field in it. The user then can rename the node. When they submit the form within the modal, the tree refreshes with the new name. Everything I have works up to the point where the tree refreshes. When the tree refreshes... the modal closes but reopens. I believe unbinding the click event from the node is what needs to happen? Here is the code.

select node click event

    $('.activity_div').on("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) { 
        var val     =;
        var act_id  = val.substr(val.indexOf("_") + 1);
        //alert("node_id: " +; 
            url: 'cfc/cfc_wbs.cfc?method=func_get_activity_code_details&returnformat=json',
            type: 'post',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: { 
                est_id:     estimate_id,
                act_id:     act_id
            success: function(data){
                if(data && data.length) { 
                    var html            = "";
                    $.each(data, function(i, val) {
                        var status              = data[i].status;
                        var message             = data[i].message;
                        var text                = data[i].text;
                        var id                  = data[i].id;
                        var node                = data[i].node;
                        if (status == 'SUCCESS'){

            error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                var errorMsg = 'Ajax request failed: ' + xhr.responseText;

Modal form submit event

    $('#form_activity_code').on('click', '.btn-node-submit', function (e) {
            var node_id         =   $('#node_id').val();
            var node            =   $('#node').val();
            var node_text       =   $('#node_text').val();
                url: 'cfc/cfc_wbs.cfc?method=func_update_activity_codes&returnformat=json',
                type: 'post',
                dataType: 'json',
                data: { 
                    act_id:         node_id,
                    est_id:         estimate_id,
                    node_text:      node_text,
                    node:           node
                success: function (data) {
                    if(data && data.length) { 
                        var html            = "";
                        $.each(data, function(i, val) {
                            var status              = data[i].status;
                            //var message               = data[i].message;
                            //var activity              = data[i].activity;
                            //var activity_date_time    = data[i].activity_date_time;
                            //var person                = data[i].person;
                            //var user                  = data[i].user;
                            if (status == 'SUCCESS'){
                                $('#activity_codes_div').jstree(true) = data;
                                return false;
                            } else {
        } else {


  • You can hide the modal by using the event refresh.jstree


    as what looks like is that the line $('#activity_codes_div').jstree(true).refresh(); is preventing the bootstrap modal dialog to close for somewhat reason instead of the problem you that you think is with the select node event if you remove the above line from the $('#form_activity_code').on('click', '.btn-node-submit', function (e) { event you will see that the modal hides and works properly.

    Using the event refresh.jstree for hiding the modal solves the problem see the working fiddle

    or a snippet below

    var data = [{
        "state": {
          "opened": true
        "text": "engineering",
        "icon": "fa fa-circle-o",
        "children": [{
            "state": {
              "opened": true
            "text": "piping",
            "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle-o",
            "children": [{
              "state": {
                "opened": true
              "text": "stainless steel",
              "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle",
              "children": [{
                "state": {
                  "opened": true
                "text": "small bore",
                "icon": "fa fa-billseye"
            "state": {
              "opened": true
            "text": "structural",
            "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle-o",
            "children": []
            "state": {
              "opened": true
            "text": "civil",
            "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle-o",
            "children": [{
              "state": {
                "opened": true
              "text": "deep foundations",
              "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle",
              "children": []
        "state": {
          "opened": true
        "text": "procurement",
        "icon": "fa fa-circle-o",
        "children": [{
            "state": {
              "opened": true
            "text": "piping",
            "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle-o",
            "children": [{
              "state": {
                "opened": true
              "text": "stainless steel",
              "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle",
              "children": [{
                "state": {
                  "opened": true
                "text": "small bore",
                "icon": "fa fa-billseye"
            "state": {
              "opened": true
            "text": "structural",
            "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle-o",
            "children": []
            "state": {
              "opened": true
            "text": "civil",
            "icon": "fa fa-dot-circle-o",
            "children": []
    $('.activity_div').on("select_node.jstree", function(e, data) {
      var val =;
      var act_id = val.substr(val.indexOf("_") + 1);
      //alert("node_id: " +; 
      return false;
    $("#activity_codes_div").on("refresh.jstree", function() {
    $('#form_activity_code').on('click', '.btn-node-submit', function(e) {
      $('#activity_codes_div').jstree(true) = data;
      return false;
      'core': {
        'data': data,
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