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re.sub with exception or condition

I want to sub use re.sub to substitute all the words with parentheses but not the word (k), I want to use some negation conditions but it seems not working to my example.

I've tried


Is there any suggestions?

re.sub(r'\((?<!k)\w+\)', '', '(k) i am, us dep economy (applause) (ph)', flags= re.IGNORECASE)      

Desired result would be

(k) i am, us dep economy


  • Use a negative lookahead:

    • (?!k\) makes sure k) does not come after the initial (


    In [75]: re.sub(r'\((?!k\))\w+\)', '', '(k) i am, us dep economy (applause) (ph)', flags= re.IGNORECASE)
    Out[75]: '(k) i am, us dep economy  '