I am trying to implement the Quantum HHL algorithm on QISKit package of IBM on Python. I have tried searching the documentation for a method to initialize a qubit to a certain value and to create a new unitary gate with specified values.
In the documentation, I found this, which is the class of a Quantum Gate. I tried to make a new instance of this class but I couldn't because not much documentation has been done about the arguments to be passed while initializing the instance of the class.
As of QISKit v0.4.9, the u3()
function parametrizes an arbitrary single-qubit unitary gate U(θ, φ, λ) (for details, see formula (2)). Obviously, you can use the u3()
function to set a qubit to any value.
For example, this is how you can implement the X-gate and apply it to some qubit qr[0]
via the U3-gate:
u3(theta=math.pi, phi=0, lam=0, q=qr[0])