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Storing html template as text field in DB using golang

I'm a beginner in Go and Echo. I am required to store a html template(email template) , which will also have some details passed as context. So that it can be stored into body column (text in MySQL) and will be triggered later.

if user.Email !=""{
            visitingDetails := H{"user_name"      : user.Fname,
                                 "location"       : location.Name,
                                 "visitor_company": visitor.Company,
                                 "visitor_name"   : visitor.Fname +" "+visitor.Lname,
                                 "visitor_phone"  : visitor.Phone,
                                 "visitor_email"  : visitor.Email,
                                 "visitor_fname"  : visitor.Fname,
                                 "visitor_image"  : visitor.ProfilePicture,
            subject := visitor.Fname +" has come to visit you at the reception"
            body := c.Render(http.StatusOK,"email/user_notify_email.html",visitingDetails)
            emailJob := models.EmailJob{Recipients: visitor.Email , Subject: subject, Body: body}
            if db.NewRecord(emailJob){
                fmt.Println("Unable to send email")

The EmailJob

type EmailJob struct {
    Id              int       
    Recipients      string    
    Subject         string   
    Body            string          
    Sent            int        
    Error           string 

func (t *Template) Render(w io.Writer, name string, data interface{}, c echo.Context) error {
    return t.templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, data)

body := c.Render(http.StatusOK,"email/user_notify_email.html",visitingDetails)

this line gives error as it returns an error for render. I am not sure how I will I do it? I hope I made it clear. A little help will be much appreciated.


  • You are using context.Render method incorrectly.

    // Render renders a template with data and sends a text/html response with status
    // code. Renderer must be registered using `Echo.Renderer`.
    Render(code int, name string, data interface{}) error

    The Render methods renders the template and sends it as a response. This method returns an error value, if something unexpected happens, this error value is a description of it. Otherwise, it is equal to nil. See:

    In order to use Renderer, you must register it and you can use that registered renderer to get rendered template text and save it in DB.

    You can see example renderer in unit tests of Echo framework:

    Hope this helps.