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How can I use the output of intermediate layer of one model as input to another model?

I train a model A and try to use the output of the intermediate layer with the name="layer_x" as an additional input for model B.

I tried to use the output of the intermediate layer like on the Keras doc

Model A:

inputs = Input(shape=(100,))
dnn = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(inputs)
dnn = Dense(128, activation='relu', name="layer_x")(dnn)
dnn = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(dnn)
output = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(dnn)

Model B:

input_1 = Input(shape=(200,))
input_2 = Input(shape=(100,)) # input for model A

# loading model A
model_a = keras.models.load_model(path_to_saved_model_a)

intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs=model_a.input, 

intermediate_output = intermediate_layer_model.predict(data)

merge_layer = concatenate([input_1, intermediate_output])
dnn_layer = Dense(512, activation="relu")(merge_layer)
output = Dense(5, activation="sigmoid")(dnn_layer)
model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[input_1, input_2], outputs=output)

When I debug I get an error on this line:

intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs=model_a.input, 

File "..", line 89, in set_model
File "C:\WinPython\python-3.5.3.amd64\lib\site-packages\keras\legacy\", line 87, in wrapper
  return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\WinPython\python-3.5.3.amd64\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\", line 1592, in __init__
  mask = node.output_masks[tensor_index]
AttributeError: 'Node' object has no attribute 'output_masks'

I can access the tensor with get_layer("layer_x").output and the output_mask is None. Do I have to set manually an output mask and how do I set up this output mask if needed?


  • There are two things that you seem to be doing wrong :

    intermediate_output = intermediate_layer_model.predict(data)

    when you do .predict(), you are actually passing data through the graph and asking what will be the result. When you do that, intermediate_output will be a numpy array and not a layer as you would like it to be.

    Secondly, you don't need to recreate a new intermediate model. You can directly use the part of model_a that interest you.

    Here is a code that "compiles" for me :

    from keras.layers import Input, Dense, concatenate
    from keras.models import Model
    inputs = Input(shape=(100,))
    dnn = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(inputs)
    dnn = Dense(128, activation='relu', name="layer_x")(dnn)
    dnn = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(dnn)
    output = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(dnn)
    model_a = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=output)
    # You don't need to recreate an input for the model_a, 
    # it already has one and you can reuse it
    input_b = Input(shape=(200,))
    # Here you get the layer that interests you from model_a, 
    # it is still linked to its input layer, you just need to remember it for later
    intermediate_from_a = model_a.get_layer("layer_x").output
    # Since intermediate_from_a is a layer, you can concatenate it with the other input
    merge_layer = concatenate([input_b, intermediate_from_a])
    dnn_layer = Dense(512, activation="relu")(merge_layer)
    output_b = Dense(5, activation="sigmoid")(dnn_layer)
    # Here you remember that one input is input_b and the other one is from model_a
    model_b = Model(inputs=[input_b, model_a.input], outputs=output_b)

    I hope this is what you wanted to do.

    Please tell me if something isn't clear :-)