I'm new to PHP Swagger and using the Laravel package L5-Swagger to create documentation for my API. Now I'm trying to let one model contain an array of the other model, an Order can have several OrderItems.
Unfortuantly I cannot get the linking to work. See attached screen shot.
What am I doing wrong?
This is my Order model:
* @SWG\Definition(
* required={"order_id","order_items"},
* type="object",
* @SWG\Xml(name="Order")
* )
class Order
* @SWG\Property(example="O-789456123")
* @var string
public $order_id;
* @SWG\Property(type="array", items="$ref:OrderItem")
* @var array
public $order_items = [];
This is my OrderItem model:
* @SWG\Definition(
* required={"sku","quantity", "price_including_tax"},
* type="object",
* @SWG\Xml(name="OrderItem")
* )
class OrderItem
* @SWG\Property(example="SKU-123")
* @var string
public $sku;
* @SWG\Property(example=2)
* @var integer
public $quantity;
* @SWG\Property(example=199.75)
* @var float
public $price_including_tax;
I think items="$ref:OrderItem"
should be @SWG\Items(ref="#/definitions/OrderItem")
Ps. Checking the intermediate format (the swagger.json) can provide insight into what going wrong.