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Vim styling editing

so I just switched to neovim and I need some help because I am not fimiliar with the new envoriment I'm having, which are 2 major ones. And please keep in mind that when I am refering to neovim it is the same thing as refering to vim.

  • Neovim customization
    I would like to know that how can I remove or add items through status bar...I find some items such as the file extension pretty unnecessary and I would like to remove it. And also I am having problems rendering the unix icons as you can see in this picture.
  • Dot Indenting
    I would also like to know how to edit my configuration file in such way that instead of displaying empty space in the indenting lines I can display dots as you can see in this picture.

    If you would like to have additinol information you can find my neovim configuration file here and some system information here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Solution

  • You can show spaces by dots using this commands

    :set list

    :set listchars+=space:.

    Or you can replace . with any other character you like.