I have a rest API set up as a module in Prestashop 1.6, and I can access without problem to it and make appropriate calls in my local server (localhost:8888).
On the other hand, when I set up ngrok, I receive a new domain to have my localhost available for API calls from the outside. However, I receive 302-moved response. Do you know if the problem is on how Prestashop treats these calls according to configuration? Can you help me? Thank you.
The solution had to do with the setup of URL_DOMAIN in table ps_configuration, where PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL must be set to the ngrok's setup domain name (xxxxx.ngrok.io). And the same for table ps_shop_url, where fields domain and domain_ssl must be set to ngrok's domain name too (xxxxx.ngrok.io).