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Ngrok with 302 moved in Prestashop local server

I have a rest API set up as a module in Prestashop 1.6, and I can access without problem to it and make appropriate calls in my local server (localhost:8888).

On the other hand, when I set up ngrok, I receive a new domain to have my localhost available for API calls from the outside. However, I receive 302-moved response. Do you know if the problem is on how Prestashop treats these calls according to configuration? Can you help me? Thank you.

enter image description here


  • The solution had to do with the setup of URL_DOMAIN in table ps_configuration, where PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL must be set to the ngrok's setup domain name ( And the same for table ps_shop_url, where fields domain and domain_ssl must be set to ngrok's domain name too (