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How to use Instance segmentation pretrained MaskRCNN model by Tensorflow?

Tensorflow recently seems to have released pretrained model for instance segmentation using MaskRCNN as per below tweet.

I downloaded mask_rcnn_resnet101_atrous_coco_2018_01_28.tar.gz from this and was trying to figure out how to use it.I found frozen model (pb) file and loaded the graph in Tensorboard.

But I cant figure out what should be the input for the model.I couldn't find a node where simply I can input an image , though I was able to locate nodes where we get classes,masks,bounding boxes etc.

Also there seems to be no details online on how to use it (May be because it is new)


  • If you follow this tensorflow tutorial it will show you how to run the frozen model on a single/group of images. To apply this to the model you downloaded, the simplest way would be to first replace the line:

    PATH_TO_CKPT = MODEL_NAME + '/frozen_inference_graph.pb'

    with a path to your downloaded model i.e.

    PATH_TO_CKPT = '/absolute/path/to/frozen_inference_graph.pb'

    Then there is no need to run the code under the section Download Model. The rest should work the same.