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Yii2 - register js file after active form assets

Is it possible to put js file after active form assets, when the file added via registerJsFile?

I have this code, but the file will be added after yii.js, but before yii.activeForm.js, and I can't find the right call at the moment:

$this->registerJsFile('@web/js/address.js', [
        'depends'  => [\yii\web\YiiAsset::className()]


  • It is yii\widgets\ActiveFormAsset which you need to add the dependency to.

    You need to add the dependency in the following way

    $this->registerJsFile('js/buy-now.js', [
        'depends' => [yii\widgets\ActiveFormAsset::className()],

    you can always check the source code for any specific widget class to see the name of the assets file that it is using inside the registerClientScript().

    See ActiveForm source