I need to write my own datatypes - either, and eitherTree, which have their own types. With these, I need to create a function, that takes an int, and an eitherTree as parameters, that searches through the tree, and returns true if the value exists in the tree. the type needs to be: eitherTree -> int -> bool
So far I have :
datatype either = ImAString of string | ImAnInt of int
datatype eitherTree = eLEAF of either | eINTERIOR of (either*eitherTree*eitherTree)
fun eitherSearch v1 (eLEAF((v2)) = if v1 = v2 then true
else false
| eitherSearch v1 (eINTERIOR(e1, et1, et2)) = if v1 = e1 then true
else if (eitherSearch v1 et1) = true
then true
else if (eitherSearch v1 et1) = true
then true else false
The "trick" seems to be casting ImAnInt / int to one another so I can compare them. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you.
You can use pattern matching on the entire parameter; you don't need to limit yourself to the outermost constructor.
fun eitherSearch v1 (eLEAF (ImAnInt v2)) = v1 = v2
| eitherSearch v1 (eLEAF _) = false
| ...
Or you can write a comparison function:
fun equalInt (v, ImAnInt v') = v = v'
| equalInt _ = false
fun eitherSearch v1 (eLEAF v2) = equalInt(v1, v2)
| ...
On a side note,
if E then true else false
is a very roundabout way of writing E
if E1 then true else E2
is usually written
E1 orelse E2
and you never need to compare a boolean with true
or false
– e = true
is equivalent to e
and e = false
is equivalent to not e