Why doesn't the following lookbehind
(?<=to my\s)(checking|savings|CD) | (?<=to\s)(checking|savings|CD)
return any matches on:
Can you transfer from my CD 200 dollars to my checking, please?
despite properly returning a match (checking
) on:
Can you transfer from my CD 200 dollars to checking, please?
The following however works in both cases:
(?<=from my\s)(checking|savings|CD) | (?<=from\s)(checking|savings|CD)
Can you transfer from my CD 200 dollars to checking, please? --> CD
Can you transfer from CD 200 dollars to checking, please? --> CD
I am trying to formulate a regular expression which is able to parse out the destination [which follows 'to'] on the above plus on the following text strings (or similar) as well:
- Transfer $20 from checking to savings please.
- Can you transfer from my CD 200 dollars to my checking, please?
- Please send from savings to checking 45.
Maybe you could do it without a lookbehind and make "my " optional (?:my )?
to (?:my )?(checking|savings|CD)
"checking" or "savings" or "CD" will be in captured group 1.