I'm having a problem with a custom domain for a static web that I'm hosting in Firebase. When I go to mydomain.com it works fine but when I go to www.mydomain.com it's not working. Firebase hosting has an option to redirect to mydomain.com if you are trying to go to www.mydomain.com but it seems I haven't been able to verify that I own www.mydomain.com.
I verified mydomain.com using A records but when I try to verify www.mydomain.com it tells me that I should use exactly the same records I used to verify mydomain.com, so I tried to add the same A records twice but it did not work. After that I tried using TXT records to verify www.mydomain.com but it didn't work either. So, what am I doing wrong?? These are the screenshot of Firebase hosting and NameCheap.
the first 2 A records are to verify mydomain.com, the acme-challenge txt record is the one I'm using to trying to verify www.mydomain.com
Thanks for your help!
The directions given by Firebase are wrong. The host value should be www
and not www.mydomain.com
when redirecting from mydomain.com to www.mydomain.com. It happens the same when trying to verify mydomain.com but instead of www
it should be @
like in one of the screenshot of my answer.