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How to wrap a multithreaded callback for async/await?

I have async/await code and want to use an API similar to a websocket. It takes a callback for receiving new messages which is called from another thread.

Can I execute this callback in the same async/await context as the connection initiation without resorting to locking?

I think this is what SynchronizationContext is for but I can't tell if its threadsafe. If I log the thread-id, each callback will be on a different thread. If I log Task.CurrentId its null. I think the same synchronisation context moves across different threads so this might be ok but I don't know how to confirm it.

// External api, the callbacks will be from multiple threads
public class Api
    public static Connect(
        Action<Connection> onConnect,
        Action<Connection> onMessage) 

async Task<Connection> ConnectAsync(Action<Message> callback)
    if (SynchronizationContext.Current == null)
        SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext());

    var syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Connection>();

    // use post() to ensure callbacks from other threads are executed thread-safely

    Action<Connection> onConnect = conn => 
        syncContext.Post(o => tcs.SetResult(conn), null);
    Action<Message> onMsg = msg => 
        syncContext.Post(o => callback(msg), null);

    // call the multi-threaded non async/await api supplying the callbacks

    Api.Connect(onConnect, onMsg);

    return await tcs.Task;

var connection = await ConnectAsync(
    msg => 
        /* is code here threadsafe with the send without extra locking? */ 

await connection.Send("Hello world);


  • Thanks to @Evk who pointed out that the default SynchronizationContext doesn't actually synchronise anything or implement send/post in the way you would expect.

    The fix is to use Stephen Cleary's async library which implements a SynchronizationContext as a message pump in a single thread so that the post() calls are called in the same thread as the other awaited calls.

    // External api, the callbacks will be from multiple threads
    public class Api
        public static Connect(
            Action<Connection> onConnect,
            Action<Connection> onMessage) 
    async Task<Connection> ConnectAsync(Action<Message> callback)
        var syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Connection>();
        // use post() to ensure callbacks from other threads are executed thread-safely
        Action<Connection> onConnect = conn => 
            syncContext.Post(o => tcs.SetResult(conn), null);
        Action<Message> onMsg = msg => 
            syncContext.Post(o => callback(msg), null);
        // call the multi-threaded non async/await api supplying the callbacks
        Api.Connect(onConnect, onMsg);
        return await tcs.Task;
    Nito.AsyncEx.AsyncContext.Run(async () =>
        var connection = await ConnectAsync(
            msg => 
                /* this will execute in same thread as ConnectAsync and Send */ 
        await connection.Send("Hello world);
        ... more async/await code