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Unable to kill process in linux

I'm trying to kill some running process, but nothing seems working.

I've tried kill -9 pid kill -15 pid kill -SIGTERM pid killall service-name but nothing is able to kill/stop these processes.

after trying all these commands, if I enter ps aux | grep airflow it returns following results.

2018-02-17 10:57:13 mubin:~> ps aux | grep airflow
mubin  10123  0.0  0.0 103364   848 pts/2    S+   10:57   0:00 grep airflow
mubin  20740  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        D    Feb15   0:02 [airflow]
mubin  21889  0.0  0.2 461968 77864 ?        D    Feb15   0:00 /anaconda3/bin/python /anaconda3/bin/airflow scheduler
mubin  21890  0.0  0.2 462236 77752 ?        D    Feb15   0:00 /anaconda3/bin/python /anaconda3/bin/airflow scheduler

I also tried to switch user to root and tried all kill commands, nothing worked.

can anyone suggest what could be the issue.

Thanks for your time.


  • The D in the STAT column means

    D uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)

    (see man ps).