i'm testing mongolab with .netCore using MongoDb.Driver. I have this connection string
And i'm connecting this way
var connectionString = @"mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@mymongolaburl:46367/somedatabase";
var databaseName = "somedatabase";
var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
if (client != null)
_database = client.GetDatabase(databaseName);
_database.GetCollection<User>("User").InsertOne(new User {Name="Luke Skywalker" });
It is not working 'cause it says the database name is invalid, if i use the connection string without the database name
I get a timeout execption. I Already connected to database using Robo 3T.
Thanks in advance.
After one day i found how to do that in this link
The The solution is to specify which is database in the connection string
Thank you!