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Kotlin - Preference.setOnPreferenceClickListener

I'm trying to add an onPreferenceClickListener within my SettingsFragment and if I do it like this:

signOutPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener(object: Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener {
           override fun onPreferenceClick(preference: Preference?): Boolean {
                    val signOutIntent = Intent(activity,
                    return true

It works perfectly while giving a warning:

Use property access syntax

While if I write it like this:

signOutPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener {
                val signOutIntent = Intent(activity,
                return true

which should be the exactly the same thing and it's the best way to do it, I get a:

The Boolean literal does not conform to the expected type Unit

on the return true statement.

What am I missing? Is the second way to do it different than the first? How do I get rid of this error?


  • In a lambda, the last statement automatically becomes the returned value unless it's return type is inferred as Unit. So simply remove return.

    signOutPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener {
       val signOutIntent = Intent(activity,

    The documentation says:

    A lambda expression is always surrounded by curly braces, parameter declarations in the full syntactic form go inside curly braces and have optional type annotations, the body goes after an -> sign. If the inferred return type of the lambda is not Unit, the last (or possibly single) expression inside the lambda body is treated as the return value.