Search code examples

HtmlUnit - Selecting Forms, CheckBoxes, TextFields, and Submit Buttons

I have been messing around with HtmlUnit for a little bit and particularly this website because it has quite a few features that I wanted to get used to. I have posted about it before but that was mainly for grabbing information off the site which ended up successful. Now I am wanting to fill in a form and submit it.

Current Test Code:

def url = ""

client = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_3)
client.javaScriptEnabled = false

page = client.getPage(url)
form = page.getFormByName("proxyform")

//get portInputField and set value
portField = form.getInputByName("p")

//select checkbox 1 & 2 from anonymity level
//click "Update Results"
//get new page url
//grab information

The section commented out is where I am unsure of what to do. I went ahead and attempted but would like to ask for input on what I should be doing.


def url = ""

page = client.getPage(url)

portField = page.getHtmlElementById("ports").setValueAttribute("80")

submitButton = page.getByXPath("/html/body//form//input[@type='image']")
page2 = submitButton.get(0).click()

println page2    

The snippet above prints out: HtmlPage(

I'm looking to get a new page where I can then parse the information from the search. Any ideas?

I don't believe the language I am using should make too much of a difference; however, I am using Groovy.


I managed to get what I wanted but it returns like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><td></td>

Is there a way to get only the information that I'm looking for : <td></td> or do I just need to strip the info from it manually?


.asText() solved my issue, but gave quite a few warnings regarding the CSS. Should I be worried?


  • Is there a way to get only the information that I'm looking for : or do I just need to strip the info from it manually?

    This should work:

    def td = page2.getElementByName("td")
    assert td.textContent == ""

    See the JavaDoc for HtmlPage for other ways to extract information from a page. Don't parse the page manually.

    Side note: Since you are already using Groovy, you could also have a look at Geb, a popular Groovy-based web automation and testing tool that's more convenient to use than HtmlUnit.