I boot up a clean instance of R Studio. I don't save my environments and I don't use an Rprofile file. I tried both commands:
install.packages("viridis", dependencies = TRUE)
and I get this error:
- installing source package ‘viridis’ ... ** package ‘viridis’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** R ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Error : object ‘cividis’ is not exported by 'namespace:viridisLite' ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘viridis’
- removing ‘/home/stackinator/Rlibs/viridis’ Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘viridis’ had non-zero exit status
Try the following:
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
I am not sure why downloading it from CRAN didn't work, but devtools::install_github()
downloads the source package from the repository rather than the bundled package that you get from CRAN with install.packages()
For more, check out this discussion from R Packages book