Im trying to move a sprite in the direction of an angle in pygame, using the left & right arrow keys to change the direction of the sprite but when I press the up key, the sprite just moves right. I have 2 variables that take speed and a velocity calculation and adds them together (vel_x & vel_y), I then add this to the position (orientation) of the sprite but it isnt following the sprite orientation when it moves forward (if keybd_tupl[K_UP]).
import pygame
import random
import math
from pygame.locals import *
window_wid = 800
window_hgt = 600
frame_rate = 50
delta_time = 1 / frame_rate
def game_loop_inputs():
# look in the event queue for the quit event
quit_ocrd = False
for evnt in pygame.event.get():
if evnt.type == QUIT:
quit_ocrd = True
return quit_ocrd
def game_loop_update(circle_hitbox):
# start by assuming that no collisions have occurred
circle_hitbox["col"] = False
# return the new state of the rotating line and the circle hitbox
return circle_hitbox
def game_loop_render(circle_hitbox, window_sfc):
# clear the window surface (by filling it with black)
window_sfc.fill( (0,0,0) )
# draw the circle hitbox, in red if there has been a collision or in white otherwise
if circle_hitbox["col"]:, (255, 0, 0), circle_hitbox["pos"], circle_hitbox["rad"])
rotated_damage = pygame.transform.rotate(circle_hitbox["damage"], circle_hitbox["angle"])
window_sfc.blit(rotated_damage, circle_hitbox["pos"])
else:, (255, 255, 255), circle_hitbox["pos"], circle_hitbox["rad"])
rotated_image = pygame.transform.rotate(circle_hitbox["sprite"], circle_hitbox["angle"])
window_sfc.blit(rotated_image, circle_hitbox["pos"])
# update the display
def main():
# initialize pygame
# create the window and set the caption of the window
window_sfc = pygame.display.set_mode( (window_wid, window_hgt) )
pygame.display.set_caption('"Toy" for the MDA Exercise')
# create a clock
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# this is the initial game state
game_state = STATE_READY
# these are the initial game objects that are required (in some form) for the core mechanic provided
# this game object is a circulr
circle_hitbox = {}
circle_hitbox["pos"] = (window_wid // 2, window_hgt // 2)
circle_hitbox["rad"] = 30
circle_hitbox["col"] = False
circle_hitbox["sprite"] = pygame.image.load("cars_racer_{}.png".format(random.randint(1, 3)))
circle_hitbox["damage"] = pygame.image.load("cars_racer_red.png")
circle_hitbox["crash"] = pygame.image.load("explosion.png")
circle_hitbox["damaged"] = False
circle_hitbox["angle"] = 0
speed = 10.0
vel_x = speed * math.cos(circle_hitbox["angle"] * (math.pi / 180))
vel_y = speed * math.sin(circle_hitbox["angle"] * (math.pi / 180))
# the game loop is a postcondition loop controlled using a Boolean flag
closed_flag = False
while not closed_flag:
# this is the "inputs" phase of the game loop, where player input is retrieved and stored
closed_flag = game_loop_inputs()
keybd_tupl = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keybd_tupl[K_UP]:
circle_hitbox["pos"] = (circle_hitbox["pos"][0] + vel_x, circle_hitbox["pos"][1] + vel_y)
if keybd_tupl[K_LEFT]:
circle_hitbox["angle"] = (circle_hitbox["angle"] + 10.0)
if keybd_tupl[K_RIGHT]:
circle_hitbox["angle"] = (circle_hitbox["angle"] - 10.0)
# this is the "update" phase of the game loop, where the changes to the game world are handled
circle_hitbox = game_loop_update(circle_hitbox)
# this is the "render" phase of the game loop, where a representation of the game world is displayed
game_loop_render(circle_hitbox, window_sfc)
# enforce the minimum frame rate
if __name__ == "__main__":
It just isnt working & I dont know why.
You have to calculate the vel_x
and vel_y
in the while loop.
while not closed_flag:
closed_flag = game_loop_inputs()
keybd_tupl = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keybd_tupl[K_UP]:
circle_hitbox["pos"] = (circle_hitbox["pos"][0] + vel_x, circle_hitbox["pos"][1] + vel_y)
if keybd_tupl[K_LEFT]:
circle_hitbox["angle"] -= 1.0
if keybd_tupl[K_RIGHT]:
circle_hitbox["angle"] += 1.0
# `math.radians` can be used instead of `* (math.pi / 180)`
vel_x = speed * math.cos(math.radians(circle_hitbox["angle"]))
vel_y = speed * math.sin(math.radians(circle_hitbox["angle"]))
Also, pass the negative angle to pygame.transform.rotate
in the game_loop_render
rotated_damage = pygame.transform.rotate(circle_hitbox["damage"], -circle_hitbox["angle"])
The rotation probably still doesn't look right (I'm using some replacement images and they don't rotate correctly). Take a look at this answer if you want to know how to rotate pygame sprites and images around their center in pygame.