I'm slamming my head against the wall with this one. I've been trying every example, reading every last bit I can find online about basic http authorization with urllib2, but I can not figure out what is causing my specific error.
Adding to the frustration is that the code works for one page, and yet not for another. logging into www.mysite.com/adm goes absolutely smooth. It authenticates no problem. Yet if I change the address to 'http://mysite.com/adm/items.php?n=201105&c=200' I receive this error:
<h4 align="center" class="teal">Add/Edit Items</h4>
<p><strong>Client:</strong> </p><p><strong>Event:</strong> </p><p class="error">Not enough information to complete this task</p>
<p class="error">This is a fatal error so I am exiting now.</p>
Searching google has lead to zero information on this error.
The adm is a frame set page, I'm not sure if that's relevant at all.
Here is the current code:
import urllib2, urllib
import sys
import re
import base64
from urlparse import urlparse
theurl = 'http://xxxxxmedia.com/adm/items.php?n=201105&c=200'
username = 'XXXX'
password = 'XXXX'
passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
passman.add_password(None, theurl,username,password)
authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
pagehandle = urllib2.urlopen(theurl)
url = 'http://xxxxxxxmedia.com/adm/items.php?n=201105&c=200'
values = {'AvAudioCD': 1,
'AvAudioCDDiscount': 00, 'AvAudioCDPrice': 50,
'ProductName': 'python test', 'frmSubmit': 'Submit' }
#opener2 = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor())
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
This is just one of the many versions I've tried. I've followed every example from Urllib2 Missing Manual but still receive the same error.
Can anyone point to what I'm doing wrong?
About an year ago, I went thro' the same process and documented how I solved the problem - The direct and simple way to authentication and the standard one. Choose what you deem fit.
There is an explained description, in the missing urllib2 document.