My data set (MSdata) looks something like this
m.z Intensity Relative Delta..ppm. RDB.equiv. Composition
301.14093 NA 100.00 -0.34 5.5 C16 H22 O4 Na
149.02331 4083458.5 23.60 -0.08 6.5 C8 H5 O3
279.15908 NA 18.64 -0.03 5.5 C16 H23 O4
and I would like it to look like
m.z Intensity Relative Delta..ppm. RDB.equiv. C H O Na
301.14093 NA 100.00 -0.34 5.5 16 22 4 1
149.02331 4083458.5 23.60 -0.08 6.5 8 5 3 0
279.15908 NA 18.64 -0.03 5.5 16 23 4 0
I have gotten as far as using this
numextract <- function(string){
unlist(regmatches(string, gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+\\.*[[:digit:]]*"
MScomp <- numextract("C14 H18 O4 Na")
However, this gives me
'14' '18' '4'
I need the 'Na' string to give me a value of 1 or 0 (or NA). I'm new to coding and a lot of this is beyond me- I have been using this website to help me. Additionally I have no idea how to merge these new columns (if this works..) into my current matrix. The website I linked previously uses a newcol() function? Thanks for any help you might have to offer!
I have edited the code as needed:
m.z Intensity Relative Delta..ppm. RDB.equiv. Composition C H Na O
1 149.0233 4083459 23.60 -0.08 6.5 C8 H5 O3 8 5 0 3
2 279.1591 NA 18.64 -0.03 5.5 C16 H23 O4 16 23 0 4
3 301.1409 NA 100.00 -0.34 5.5 C16 H22 O4 Na1 16 22 1 4