Newbie here looking for help please.
I have this code which works but it only confirms if the textbox text is found.
I have been trying to adapt it to confirm if textbox text matches the excel cell exactly or not when searching the excel sheet. Please help as I am new to this and am getting a bit lost.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(@"C:\pricefile.xlsx");
Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets["Sheet1"];
Excel.Range colRange = xlWorkSheet.Columns["A:A"];
string searchString = textBox1.Text;
Excel.Range resultRange = colRange.Find(
What: searchString,
LookIn: Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues,
LookAt: Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart,
SearchOrder: Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows,
SearchDirection: Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext
if (resultRange is null)
MessageBox.Show("Did not find " + searchString + " in Price File");
MessageBox.Show("Found " + searchString + " in Price File");
Any help would be wonderful. Thank you.
To get an exact match on the string you need to set the LookAt parameter to Excel.XlLookAt.xlWhole. See:
There is also a MatchCase parameter if you want to make the search case sensitive (default is insensitive). See: