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EventEmitter not emitted when called in subscribe

I try to pass a form from my child component to his parent.

Child TS:

@Output() submit: EventEmitter<FormGroup> = new EventEmitter();

updateStream(): void {
    const body = {some data};

    // If I put this.submit.emit(this.form) here it works

       (res) => {
        console.log('SUCCESS verify : ', res);
        this.submit.emit(this.form); // doesn't work
      (error) => {
        console.log('ERROR verify : ', error);
        this.disableLoader.emit(); // doesn't work

The html :

<child (submit)="updateStream($event)"></child>

Parent TS :

 updateStream(form: formGroup): void {

All my emits into subscribe doesn't work (console.log in parent composant not displayed). However outside the subscribe it works.

Have you an idea ?


the problem is with the line this.apiGatewayService.verifyKeys(body). This call works perfectly (correct response), however the emit doesn't work. However, it works, if I mock this call like this :

updateStreamOut(): void {
      (res) => {
        console.log('SUCCESS verify : ', res);
        this.submit.emit(this.lambdaForm); // Works
      (error) => {
        console.log('ERROR verify : ', error);
        this.verifyError = true;
        this.disableLoader.emit(); // Works

  test(): Observable<any> {
    return Observable.of({ status: 'ok' });

Here my function verifyKeys :

verifyKeys(body): Observable<any> {
    const result = Observable.fromPromise(
      this.client.externalVerifyPost({}, body, config.additionalParams)

    return this.handleResult.dispatchResponse(result, false);

HandleResult service :

 dispatchResponse(result: Observable<any>, enableSnackbar: boolean = true) {
    return result
      .catch((error) => {
        const exception = this.getException(error);

        return Observable.throw(exception);
      .mergeMap((res) => {
        if (enableSnackbar) {
        return Observable.of(;

Maybe it gives you more informations.


  • I found my error. Indeed, when this.apiGatewayService.verifyKeys(body) was launch a loader was displayed.

    My parent HTML was build like this :

    <div *ngIf="!loader">
        <child ...></child
    <div *ngIf="loader>
        My loader

    So when my loader was display, my component was delete from the DOM and my "submit" event emitter was unsubscribe.

    To prevent that, I use the angular property [hidden] instead of *ngIf. [Hidden] act like a display: none, and not delete my child component from the DOM.