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Setting Different Levels of constants for categorical variables in R

Will anyone be able to explain how to set constants for different levels of categorical variables in r?

I have read the following: How to set the Coefficient Value in Regression; R and it does a good job for explaining how to set a constant for the whole of a categorical variable. I would like to know how to set one for each level.

As an example, let us look at the MTCARS dataset:

df <-

df$cyl <- as.factor(df$cyl)
glm(mpg ~ cyl + hp + gear, data = df)

This gives me the following output:

Call:  glm(formula = mpg ~ cyl + hp + gear, data = df)


(Intercept)         cyl6         cyl8           hp         gear
     19.80268     -4.07000     -2.29798     -0.05541      2.79645  

Degrees of Freedom: 31 Total (i.e. Null);  27 Residual

Null Deviance:      1126 

Residual Deviance: 219.5    AIC: 164.4

If I wanted to set cyl6 to -.34 and cyl8 to -1.4, and then rerun to see how it effects the other variables, how would I do that?


  • I think this is what you can do

    model2=glm(mpgCyl ~ hp + gear, data = df)
    > model2
    Call:  glm(formula = mpgCyl ~ hp + gear, data = df)
    (Intercept)           hp         gear  
       16.86483     -0.07146      3.53128  

    UPDATE withe comments:

    cyl is a factor, therefore by default it contributes to glm as offset, not slope. Actually cyl==4 is 'hidden' but existing in the glm as well. So in your first glm what the models says is:

    1) for cyl==4: mpg=19.8-0.055*hp+2.79*gear
    2) for cyl==6: mpg=(19.8-4.07)-0.055*hp+2.79*gear
    3) for cyl==8: mpg=(19.8-2.29)-0.055*hp+2.79*gear

    Maybe you can also check here and here Is there any way to fit a `glm()` so that all levels are included (i.e. no reference level)?

    Hope this helps