Is there a way to add a single line (or better yet a few lines) of new text to the very first line of a file with Puppet? (and have it do it just once obviously)
The background is, I am managing certain lines in the file, but I would like to put a one-time comment at the top of the file so its clear parts of this file are "managed".
I don't think you can do that with standard puppet resources such as file_line or augeas. What you could do is use an exec fx [edited]:
$file = /somefile,
$text = 'some text'
) {
exec { "add ${text} to ${file}":
command => "sed -i '1s/^/${text}\\n/' '${file}'",
unless => "grep '${text}' '${file}'",
path => ['/bin'],
See How do I add text to the beginning of a file in Bash? for other examples using bash.
[original posted syntax] The example is updated with suggesting from [anonymous] to support spaces in filename and double escaped new line. Kept original syntax below for reference, since I haven't tested the double escaping of newline.
$file = /somefile,
$text = 'some text'
) {
exec { "add ${text} to ${file}":
command => "sed -i '1s/^/${text}\n/' ${file}",
unless => "grep '${text}' ${file}",
path => ['bin'],