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php passthru returns no output

I am trying to call a python script from php. However, I cannot figure out how to return the result to my php script in order to use it there. My php script is as follows:

  $input = 'help';
  $output = passthru("/usr/bin/python3.5 /path/ '$input'");
  echo $output;

whilst my python script '' is:

import sys
json2 = sys.argv[1]


  • That's because your python script returns nothing. Just doing:

    json2 = sys.argv[1]

    Only assigns the value to json2. I suspect you're trying to do something like:

    import sys
    json2 = sys.argv[1]
    print json2

    That seems to work just fine:

    ~ # php -a             
    Interactive shell
    php > $input = 'help';
    php > $output = passthru("/usr/bin/python '$input'");


    Based on your comment. You're looking for exec() instead:

    ~ # php -a     
    Interactive shell
    php > $input = 'help';
    php > $output = exec("/usr/bin/python '$input'");
    php > echo $output;

    Note that your Python script has to output something. Just assigning a variable is not going to work, since PHP cannot interpret your Python code for you. It can only run the script and do something with the script's output.