I am using this expression to store a date directly in a BLOB field:
This works fine, but when I need to retrieve this date, I can't manage to retrieve the time as well, only the date, with the function below.
Is there a way to retrieve the date I stored with time?
PS: I know I can just convert the date to a varchar with TO_CHAR and datetime format before storing it, but let's assume I can't do it right now.
accepts a string, not a date, therefore what you are capturing is effectively to_char(sysdate)
. This will use the current nls_date_format
which is typically something like DD-MON-RRRR
(and nls_date_language
which might be English but could vary depending on user desktop settings). You'll need to either change the default or specify a different format, e.g.
utl_raw.cast_to_raw(to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))