Consider following bare minimum example:
from flask_restplus import Api, Resource, fields
from .models import User
ns = api.namespace('users', description='User related operations')
user = api.model('User', {
'id': fields.Integer(readOnly=True, description='The user identifier'),
'name': fields.String(required=True, description='The users name'),
'password': fields.String(required=True, description='The users password')
class UserList(Resource):
def get(self):
data = User.query.all()
print "Print the response here!"
return data
I'm troubleshooting and I would like to be able to print/log the JSON response being returned by Flask-RestPlus, how could I do this?
Figured it out very quickly myself suddenly. Using the marshal function does the same as the @ns.marshal_list_with(user) annotation
from flask_restplus import Api, Resource, fields, marshal
from .models import User
import json
ns = api.namespace('users', description='User related operations')
user = api.model('User', {
'id': fields.Integer(readOnly=True, description='The user identifier'),
'name': fields.String(required=True, description='The users firstName'),
'password': fields.String(required=True, description='The users password')
class UserList(Resource):
def get(self):
data = User.query.all()
print json.dumps(marshal(User.query.all(), user))
return data