I've been trying to create a recommendation system using the movielens dataset in python. My goal is to determine the similarity between users and then output the top five recommended movies for each user in this format:
User-id1 movie-id1 movie-id2 movie-id3 movie-id4 movie-id5
User-id2 movie-id1 movie-id2 movie-id3 movie-id4 movie-id5
The data I am using for now is this ratings dataset.
Here is the code so far:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn import cross_validation as cv
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from math import sqrt
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.read_csv('ratings.csv')
df.drop('timestamp', axis=1, inplace=True)
n_users = df.userId.unique().shape[0]
n_items = df.movieId.unique().shape[0]
#Pivot table so users are rows and movies are columns, ratings are then values
df = df.pivot(index='userId', columns='movieId', values='rating')
#subtract row mean from each rating to center data
df = df.sub(df.mean(axis=1), axis=0)
#copy to fill in predictions
c1 = df.copy()
c1 = c1.fillna('a')
#second copy to find which values were filled in and return the highest rated values
c2 = c1.copy()
#fill NAN with 0
df = df.fillna(0)
#Get cosine similarity between rows
similarity = pd.DataFrame(cosine_similarity(df))
#get top 5 similar profiles
tmp = similarity.apply(lambda row: sorted(zip(similarity.columns, row), key=lambda c: -c[1]), axis=1)
tmp = tmp.ix[:,1:6]
l = np.array(tmp)
##Prediction function - does not work needs improvement
def predict(df, c1, l):
for i in range(c1.shape[0]):
for j in range(i+1, c1.shape[1]):
if c1.iloc[i][j] == 'a':
num = df[l[i][0][0]]*l[i][0][1] + df[l[i][1][0]]*l[i][1][1] + df[l[i][2][0]]*l[i][2][1] + df[l[i][3][0]]*l[i][3][1] + df[l[i][4][0]]*l[i][4][1]
den = l[i][0][1] + l[i][1][0] + l[i][2][0] + l[i][3][0] + l[i][4][0]
c1[i][j] = num/den
return c1
res = predict(df, c1, l)
res = predict(df, c1, l)
I am trying to implement the prediction function. I want to predict the missing values and add them to c1. I am trying to implement this. The formula as well as an example of how it should be used is in the picture. As you can see it uses the similarity scores of the most similar users.
The output of similarity looks like this: For example here is user1's similarity:
[(34, 0.19269904365720053) (196, 0.19187531680008307)
(538, 0.14932027335788825) (67, 0.14093020024386654)
(419, 0.11034407313683092) (319, 0.10055810007385564)]
I need help using these similarities in the prediction function to predict missing movie ratings. If that is solved I will then have to find the top 5 recommended movies for each user and output them in the format above.
I currently need help with the prediction function. Any advice helps. Please let me know if you need any more information or clarification.
Thank you for reading
First of all, vectorisation makes complex problems much easier. here are a few suggestion to improve what you already have
dataframe be sure to keep track of the useIds, you can do so by setting the index and columns to df.columns
Here is my edited version of the code including predict implementation:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
def predict(l):
# finds the userIds corresponding to the top 5 similarities
# calculate the prediction according to the formula
return (df[l.index] * l).sum(axis=1) / l.sum()
# use userID as columns for convinience when interpretering the forumla
df = pd.read_csv('ratings.csv').pivot(columns='userId',
similarity = pd.DataFrame(cosine_similarity(
# iterate each column (userID),
# for each userID find the highest five similarities
# and use to calculate the prediction for that user,
# use fillna so that original ratings dont change
res = df.apply(lambda col: ' '.join('{}'.format(mid) for mid in col.fillna(
here is a sample of the output
1 1172 1953 2105 1339 1029
2 17 39 150 222 265
3 318 356 1197 2959 3949
4 34 112 141 260 296
5 597 1035 1380 2081 33166
dtype: object
The code above will recommends the top 5 regardless of whether the user already watched/rated them. to fix this we can reset the values of the original ratings to 0 when choosing the recommendations as shown below\
res = df.apply(lambda col: ' '.join('{}'.format(mid) for mid in (0 * col).fillna(
The output
1 2278 4085 3072 585 256
2 595 597 32 344 316
3 590 457 150 380 253
4 1375 2571 2011 1287 2455
5 480 590 457 296 165
6 1196 7064 26151 260 480