I know this is not a really programmic question, but which one should I deploy my app too? Basically, I will have a straight forward Rails app with a a decent database usage. Heroku is obviously a great platform and has a lot of gimmicks. Duostack however seems to getting bigger and bigger while still in beta, and I really like their autoscaling feature, since I wouldn't have to monitor my site like 24/7 to be as cost efficient as possible. Secretly, I just hope that Amazon will extend Elastic to Rails, but that would probably take a while
Well you have to get an invite to use Duostack, I don't know how hard that is. Plus, if you're looking to do a production app, they're still in Beta so there's no 100% guarantee things will be stable, or that there won't be API changes.
ALso, is duostack going to offer a free usage tier?
If you're comfortable with the answers to all those questions, then just go for whichever one you like better.
One nice thing about Heroku is it is well-established enough to have a lot of third party integration, and that can make development just blissful if it includes the integrations you need :)
Probably not a wrong choice between the two, though. Request a beta invite and if you get in, try both. Since all you have to do is "git push" to deploy to both, it ought to be pretty easy to do a direct side-by-side comparison of the workflow.